Episode 6

Ideas to Help with a Modern Life: The Biggest Things Adults Don't Enough Of - Affirmation

In this Kataholos Podcast Food for the Journey episode, I delve into the significance of positive affirmation in our lives. I've pondered it deeply, recognising how adults often fail to receive the affirmations they genuinely need. This deficit can sow doubt in our self-esteem and chip away at our overall well-being.

Throughout the episode, I explore various giving and receiving affirmation strategies. I advocate for acknowledging and celebrating people's successes, emphasizing the importance of specific and heartfelt praise. It's not just about saying "good job" but articulating why someone's efforts are commendable. Furthermore, I stress the value of expressing genuine fondness for others, letting them know precisely what endears them to us beyond mere performance metrics.

On the flip side, I offer insights into how we can better receive affirmation ourselves. It involves recognising the love and support surrounding us, actively engaging in acts of kindness towards others, nurturing a habit of positive self-talk, and even directly asking others what they appreciate about us.

Throughout the episode, I weave in book recommendations to deepen the audience's understanding of this vital topic. Ultimately, I aim to foster a culture of affirmation that uplifts and empowers individuals personally and professionally.

Books Mentioned in this episode:


  • Explore motivation on a deeper level with our Three-Hour Audio Program. This Kataholos audio course has been designed to help you learn one of the most important life skills available – how to motivate yourself! This is a unique model, developed and refined over many years, which you won’t find anywhere else in the world - https://kataholoslearning.com/


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Kataholos Podcast
I'm Michael Quigley and this this is my Kataholos podcast - Food for the Journey. Take the backpack off and make some time for yourself to self-reflect and develop some thinking tools with practical strategies for seeing your vision to make it real....