Episode 9

Ideas to Help with a Modern Life: How to Build Your Confidence Through Authority

In this episode, I explore building confidence by establishing and enhancing my authority. I've come to understand that confidence isn't something innate but rather something that can be cultivated over time, irrespective of my current level of experience or expertise. I share my experience transitioning from being a primary school teacher to embarking on entrepreneurship, illustrating how I overcame imposter syndrome and adapted to new challenges.

I outline three fundamental ways to build authority: positional authority, moral authority, and incorporating feedback from others. Positional authority is attained through qualifications and experience in a specific field, while moral authority emanates from personal traits such as respect and how I treat others. I stress the significance of receiving feedback for personal development and the importance of balancing authority types to influence and lead others effectively.

This episode provides practical advice for individuals like me striving to bolster their confidence through authority in both personal and professional spheres.



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Kataholos Podcast
I'm Michael Quigley and this this is my Kataholos podcast - Food for the Journey. Take the backpack off and make some time for yourself to self-reflect and develop some thinking tools with practical strategies for seeing your vision to make it real....